Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What is Bondgård?

Bondgård is the Swedish word for farm or farmstead.

I chose Bondgård for the name of my shop for two main reasons.

1) I wanted to emphasize the nature of the products the shop will be offering...farm-made products. If you taste a slice of factory-made cheese and then a piece of real, farmstead, artisanal (made with one's hands) cheese - you'll notice a remarkable difference. I personally think cheeses made on a farm from the milk of real animals that are taken care of by real farmers tastes better. I hope you'll agree.

2) I wanted to pay a bit of homage to my mother's Scandinavian heritage. Unfortunately the word for farm in Danish (my mom was a Dane) is "agerjord", which I didn't think was as marketable or pronounceable.

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