Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bergen Record Article - 4/14/08

I had the great fortune of being included in a cover story by Elise Young in the Bergen Record yesterday (4/14). The article is about the rising support against Gov. Corzine's hasty and misdirected decision to cut down the N.J. Department of Agriculture - making The Garden State the only state other than Alaska (um, not much need for it up there) and Rhode Island (smallest state anyone?) to not have one. It's the Garden State people! Gov. Corzine's proposal to get rid of the Dept. of Agriculture is a grave mistake and will negatively effect all residents of New Jersey, not just the farmers.

Click the images to enlarge the photos. Thanks to Aldo Martinez, Jr. for taking the most flattering photos ever taken of me. Note the state of the shop. Let's call this exhibit A as we progress in the build-out of the shop.

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