Below is a photo of a ton of stuff that's taking up room in my basement. And this is nothing, you should see my in-law's garage! And the basement of the shop!
Okay, so why do this? There is a method to my madness. For starters, my basement needed some reorganizing. Secondly, this was to make sure I had everything I've ordered so far (that wasn't on back order). Thirdly, I needed to see it all to visualize where its going to go - space considerations, sizing stuff up, etc. Also, there are two other reasons that are strictly business: a) it's for insurance purposes and b) its to show the SBA/my bank that gave me the loan, where I'm spending their money.
So since the heat died down dramatically and the weather is perfect out, and because I have the IKEA folks putting together my filing cabinets - the timing was right.
Cleanliness is next to godliness. What you see here from left to right are mops, brooms, a bucket (three slim jim buckets are already at the shop), a mop bucket system, a motion activated hand towel dispenser, steramine tabs, glass cleaner and to the top right, storage buckets/pans that really don't have anything to do with cleaning products - they just made it in the shot. And on the bottom is a rubber mat to prevent slipping. I have seven of these, which will fit perfectly behind the counters and around the sink.
Believe it or not, these are just some of the cutting instruments I'll have. The parmigiano reggiano cutter, the cheese grater for truly fresh-grated parmigiano, and others are on their way. To the right, foil sheets for gooey blue cheeses and sanitary gloves.
Sandwich board - for sidewalk marketing:
Gift trays and baskets. The perfect gift to bring to a dinner party - a tray of cheeses and crackers. Here are some of the vehicles that will be used for that. Really nice, high quality baskets from the United Basket company out on Long Island. My sales rep Mel is an awesome guy. To the right is a 10 lb box of raffia.
Here are some decor items that visitors to the store will later recognize.
1 comment:
dude, badge, this is sooo freaking exciting!! i've been a bad friend in blogging lately and i'm just going through my links to catch up with peeps and see how they're doing and low and behold you've gone cheezy on us! i love it!! congrats and best of luck! i'm going to add this link to my blogroll so i can be more up to speed. seems like i have a lot of catch up reading to do. best of luck and i'll be keeping better tabs!
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